Amy Winehouse and her husband Blake Fielder-Civil basically got into a fist fight Friday night which left them both bloodied and bruised. Mainly he was bloodied and bruised and she had her makeup smeared. Apparently Amy's husband walked in on her cutting herself and about to do drugs with a prostitute when he intervened. The Daily Mail reports:
"At around 2:30am, said guests, the fight sounded like it had restarted - then Miss Winehouse was seen sprinting down the corridor to the lift, pursued by her badly bleeding husband. One guest who got into the lift to reception at the same time said they started shouting at each other. "Amy was in floods of tears. This guy was screaming at her. She was cowering in the corner and I thought he was going to hit her. When the lift door opened, she took off across the lobby at a real pace. He was chasing after her and was about five paces behind by the time she got to the main hotel entrance.""The couple then dashed into the street. An eyewitness said: "Just after 3am, Amy came sprinting out and down the road. She was in a real state of panic. Blake was running after her, but couldn't catch up."
So not only did a 98 pound Amy Winehouse beat this guy up, she also outran him. And like a good crazy bitch wife, Amy defends her husband, saying he was saving her life by beating her up:
"Blake is the best man in the world. We would never ever harm each other... I was cutting myself after he found me in our room about to do drugs with a call girl and rightly said I wasn't good enough for him. I lost it and he saved my life."
Amy Winehouse should just do us all a favor and just go to rehab rather than just making mad money singing about her drug problems.
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