Movie star James Woods said that O.J. Simpson and Nicole Brown Simpson once invited him in for a threesome. He also said Nicole also wanted to have sex with him behind O.J.'s back. He said he met O.J. and Nicole in Palm Springs a couple of years before she was murdered.
James says he wasn't surprised when he heard reports O.J. Simpson had allegedly killed his wife Nicole - because she had confided in him at a charity dinner. Simpson had requested the actor’s company at a dinner he was hosting after a golf tournament in Palm Springs,
He recalls, "I'd never met her before... and I'm taking the bait... and I think, `Well, she's really unhappy, this is great... I guess I'm being set up and so on.' "And then all of a sudden... she said, `You should try being married to a big, famous black athlete.'" Woods then received an awkward offer to join the Simpsons for a late-night drink that he declined.
He said that after dinner Nicole and O.J. invited him back to their room for a "night cap" and he got the feeling they wanted to do him. He turned them down, but later got a letter from Nicole asking him for sex on the down low.
He remembers, “About four days later…I get at my house a letter from her, 'Dear Jimmy,' with a little heart where the 'I’ is, [saying] 'O.J. is out of town, maybe you would like to get together.' [I thought], this can't be possible." He says, It was this long note about ‘O.J.'s gonna be out of town and maybe you'd like to get together...’ Nicole wrote, ‘I'm thinking, This can't be possible.'
Woods severed ties with O.J. and his wife but then realized he could be called to testify during the Naked Gun star's double murder trial in 1994. He adds, "My assistant comes across the letter and the photograph of us sitting together and she goes, `You could get subpoenaed.'" Woods famously found himself at the O.J. trial when his mother insisted on visiting the
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